Release Date | : | July 1, 2022 |
File Size | : | 1.01 MB |
▪ June 2022, combined inflation of two
cities (Mataram and Bima city) was 0,92 percent, in other words, the Consumer
Price Index (CPI) increased from 109,63 in May 2022 to 110,64 in June 2022. It
was higher than inflation at the national level which was 0,61 percent.
▪ Looking at the regional level, both Mataram and Bima city experienced
inflation of 0,86 and of 1,11 percent, respectively.
▪ Inflation was due to increasing price index of the
following expenditure groups: transport about 2,32 percent; food, beverages,
and tobacco about 1,79 percent; food and beverage serving services/restaurant
about 0,40 percent; furnishings,
household equipment, and routine household maintenance about 0,37 percent; housing,
water, electricity, and household fuel about 0,14 percent; recreation, sport,
and culture about 0,10 percent; education about 0,09 percent; health about 0,03
percent; and personal care and other services about 0,00 percent. Meanwhile,
the price index of the following expenditure group decreased: information,
communication, and financial services about -0,22 percent; and clothing and
footwear about -0,18 percent.
▪ The inflation rate of combined two cities (Mataram and Bima City) in June
2022, based on the calendar year, was 4,40 percent. It was higher compared to June 2021 was 1,19 percent.
Furthermore, the year-on-year inflation rate in June 2022 was documented at 5,04
percent, also higher than the year-on-year inflation rate in June 2021 which
was 1,98 percent.
Related Official Statistics News
NTB, February 2022 Two Cities (Mataram And Bima) Suffered Deflation Around 0.07 Percent
NTB, April 2022 Combined Inflation Of Mataram And Bima City Around 1,16 Percent
September 2022 Inflation Of Two Cities Combined (Mataram City And Bima City) Of 1.01 Percent
NTB, December 2021 Combined Inflation Of Mataram City And Bima City Was Recorded Around 0,63 Percent
November 2023 Combined Inflation Of Two Cities (Mataram And Bima) Of 2.92 Percent (Y-On-Y)
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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