Horticulture Statistics Production of Nusa Tenggara Barat Province 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Nusa Tenggara Barat Province

Pembangunan Wilayah Zona Integritas (ZI) menuju Wilayah Bebas dari Korupsi (WBK) dan Wilayah Birokrasi Bersih Melayani (WBBM) BPS Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat

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Horticulture Statistics Production of Nusa Tenggara Barat Province 2020

Catalog Number : 5204003.52
Publication Number : 52000.2126
ISSN/ISBN : 2354-757X
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : August 31, 2021
Revision Date : December 20, 2023
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 3.11 MB


Statistics of Horticultural Crops Production of West Nusa Tenggara Province 2020 is an annual routine publication published by the Central Statistics Agency of West Nusa Tenggara Province. This publication presents statistical data on horticultural crops in the West Nusa Tenggara Province during 2020. The data presented include statistics on seasonal vegetables and fruits, statistics on annual fruit and vegetable crops, statistics on biopharmaceutical plants, and statistics on ornamental plants. In addition, other detailed data presented include the amount of horticultural crop production, harvested area, and area of mature plantations for each commodity. This Horticulture Statistics data collection is in collaboration with BPS and the Ministry of Agriculture whose data collection at the sub-district level is carried out by the KCD (Office Branch Office) or Mantri Tani from the Regency/City Agriculture Service, while the processing is carried out by the Regency/City BPS and Provincial BPS.Statistics of Horticultural Crops Production of West Nusa Tenggara Province 2020 is an annual routine publication published by the Central Statistics Agency of West Nusa Tenggara Province. This publication presents statistical data on horticultural crops in the West Nusa Tenggara Province during 2020. The data presented include statistics on seasonal vegetables and fruits, statistics on annual fruit and vegetable crops, statistics on biopharmaceutical plants, and statistics on ornamental plants. In addition, other detailed data presented include the amount of horticultural crop production, harvested area, and area of mature plantations for each commodity.
This Horticulture Statistics data collection is in collaboration with BPS and the Ministry of Agriculture whose data collection at the sub-district level is carried out by the KCD (Office Branch Office) or Mantri Tani from the Regency/City Agriculture Service, while the processing is carried out by the Regency/City BPS and Provincial BPS.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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