Transportation development Nusa Tenggara Barat Province in July 2015 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Nusa Tenggara Barat Province

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Transportation development Nusa Tenggara Barat Province in July 2015

Transportation development Nusa Tenggara Barat Province in July 2015Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : September 1, 2015
File Size : 0.62 MB


Passengers who come by sea freight in July 2015 as many as 10,680 people, up 15.16 percent compared to June 2015. Similarly, the number of departing passengers increased by 47.09 percent.

The amount of goods unloaded at sea ports in July 2015 as many as 100 590 tons, down 24.87 percent from June 2015. However, the goods are loaded month of July 2015 experienced an increase of 4.71 percent compared to the month of June 2015.

The number of passengers coming through domestic flights in July 2015 as many as 112 224 people, up 2.28 percent from June 2015. However, the number of passengers coming through the international flight, fell 7.99 percent in June 2015.

The number of passengers departing by domestic flights as many as 109 885 people in July 2015, up 13.35 percent from June 2015. However, passengers departing through international flights dropped 15.18 percent compared to the month of June 2015.

The amount of goods unloaded through domestic flights in July 2015 as many as 350 799 kg, down 15.52 percent from June 2015. The amount of goods unloaded through international flights in July 2015 as much as 128 kg, an increase of 14.29 percent compared to June 2015.

The amount of goods that are loaded with as many as 240 800 kg of domestic flights in July 2015, up 7.65 percent from June 2015. A total of 1,621 kg of goods loaded on an international flight in July 2015, up 1334.51 percent compared to June 2015.
Badan Pusat Statistik

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