October 16, 2015 | BPS Activities
year ahead of the implementation of the Economic Census 2016 (SE2016),
it was time BPS formally presented to socialize logo SE2016 invitees in
Gedung1 Floor 10 BPS (8/5). Positive response came from the Minister of National Development
Planning (Minister VAT) / Head of Bappenas, Andrinof Chaniago, who had
come to the event. "The logo was nice," he said as he approached the
podium after the video aired SE2016 logo display.
and positive response came also from the entrepreneurs and businessmen
for SE2016's activities, given the SE is a census terkompleks and
heaviest. "BPS does not work alone, but we coordinate and communicate with ministries and agencies. We expect support, hopefully SE2016 received from the entrepreneurs and businessmen, "BPS chief Suryamin hope in his speech.
While Andrinof Chaniago stressed the importance of socialization to build public awareness of the importance of SE2016. Andrinof said, "Socialization for big events is very important. All elements of society must be made literate with the importance of the SE. Awareness of the general public will also determine the final results of the data collected ". Data SE2016, believed Andrinof, became the main capital for the government in managing the long-term development plan. He also invited the element BPS as executor SE2016 to avoid work that is only a formality and just finish the target.
the event also invited representatives of the ministries / agencies (K /
L), an association of companies, public universities, and the media, in
addition to introducing logo, BPS also describes the activities of this
SE2016. SE2016 common explanation given by the Deputy of Distribution and Service Statistics BPS, Sasmito Hadi Wibowo. It can not be denied if the BPS activities has not been widely known by the entrepreneurs as potential respondents. This is evidenced by the responses during the discussion of
representatives of Heavy Equipment Industry Association of Indonesia and
the Indonesian Telematics Society to learn that SE BPS implemented in
ten years.
Wanandi, senior businessman who is now the Chairman of the Expert Team
Vice President, was asked to call invitation to the businessmen to
support the SE2016. "We see the importance of BPS and statistics. BPS has the data up-to-date, we do not need to make a survey of its own as long as we still assisted BPS, "said Sofyan. He
realized during these entrepreneurs do not care about the SE because he
considers this activity alone is the duty of the government. "We are too much dependent on the government. We must work together with the BPS because the statistics are the foundation of all business. If we do not want to help the government what would happen ?, "said the former Chairman of APINDO this. Sofyan
also invites businesses to want to be recorded by the BPS in SE2016, ''
I think all companies should be helped by providing correct data. Do not be afraid of data was leaked, BPS has a code of ethics ". Correct answers given by the respondents, the data SE2016 will become a major force in view of Indonesia's economy and future.
Know the Meaning of Logo SE2016
Logo SE2016 has been rolled out to the public. SE2016 logo consists of writing the basic tangible SE hexagon, 2016 article below, and writing beside the Economic Census. The question is just who is the creator of the logo?
BPS should be proud because SE2016 logo creator is none other than employees of the BPS itself. Andri is Saleh, Head of BPS IPDS Labuhan Batu regency, North Sumatra. With
only three days looking for inspiration and thirty-five minutes to make
the illustration, be a logo which will be displayed in all the media
campaign of the SE2016. It
is also a sign that the many talents of BPS, not only in statistics but
also penetrated other fields, in this case the graphic design. Interesting to await other works of art that may emerge in the future from the hands of employees of BPS.
What is the meaning behind the logo embedded? Basic
shape hexagon symbolizes SE held every ten years in the final digit 6.
Writing SE shows the name and writing activities in 2016 shows the
implementation of the main activities. The logo consists of four colors, namely orange, yellow, black, and red. The orange color means vibrant economic activity. A big celebration welcoming enthusiasm ten years in the field of
economy and is expected to be felt by the entire people of Indonesia.
The yellow color is used to draw the attention of everyone who sees and easy to remember. While the black color symbolizes strength and determination to produce
statistical data are very diverse economic field, the result of
preparation with the latest methodologies and considering various inputs
so that it becomes Indonesia's economic statistical data basis for
planning and evaluation of government policies, employers, and society.
Finally, the red color depicts the spirit to produce data accurate and reliable through the implementation of the SE2016.
spirit and determination of the logo SE2016 is what we all wanted to
get into the heart of each line of BPS, not only in the success SE2016,
but also in every other BPS activities.